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Friday, September 30, 2005

my birthday was yesterday!
i'm officially fourteen!!

oh, how long i waited.

love all of you guys!! thanks for everything! :D

i miss you. (:

i feel so ; 5:03 PM

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

just got the timetable for the perth trip. it sounds kinda fun! but they're bringing us to albany, pemberton and freemantle. i've been to all those places before! i saw the gap, the natural bridge and i did the treetop walk too. gosh.
goodearth hotel looks like shiat.

i'm gonna die tomorrow. mrs boo is going to chop me to pieces.

i hate my hair!!!!

i can't believe it. exams are in almost a week's time.

i feel so ; 5:16 PM

Thursday, September 22, 2005

i'm so crushed.

the perth trip and the fashion show competition just HAD to clash.
same day!!! 15 november.
the departure time is in the wee hours of the morning. so even if i want to rush to both, i can't.
totally fucked up.
if i had known earlier, i wouldn't have signed up to go. dammit.

natasha can't make it either. her mum is bringing her to sydney. so li chin will take over her and another natasha from sec 1 will take over me. there was this sec one girl. she's sixteen from china. pretty, tall and she can so do the catwalk but she's also returning to china in november so no way she can make it for the competition!! how unlucky is that.

oh wells. what can we do. it's fate.

lichin is such a nice girl! (: i lent her my heels. haha.

i'm starving right now and i'm gonna have dinner alone again.
how sad can this day get??

i feel so ; 6:29 PM

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

i haven't been logging in much lately. good, or bad?
oh, whatever. haha.

my end of year exams starts on the 7th of october.
i am so doomed.
lol. i mean, i got an F9 for maths?!?! it's so unbelieveable! i still can't understand what was wrong with me that day. the paper was pretty easy and i screwed it all up. i'm such a dumbass. argh.

today in school., mr lak made me waste two bucks and a plate of yummy fish and chips during recess just because he got pissed at some guys who were playing wwe cards and one more guy doing i-don't-know-what with someone else's phone and he wanted everyone from my class to share the scolding. i was eating merrily when yiwen came to our table and told us that mr lak wanted to see the whole of 2d in five minutes or else we would have to stand outside the HOD room. i had brought my freaking phone so i quickly rushed up and removed my sim card and memory card. lol. thank god he spared us the spotcheck for today! from the wwe cards, it came to discipline problems and bad mannersand then to our cleaning duty roster [which was turned to the back of the printed page and pinned on the board for no one to see] as the class was filthy and that he is a particularly hygienic person. lol. he scolded us for one hour. he mentioned that he'll be watching my class very closely and he would bother to come into my classroom to check on us if he has to every single day. i'm quoting him. lol. blabla. i am so not bringing my phone anymore.

i forgot to bring my maths file and mr sum said that those who forgot were to stay back until six to study maths. i totally skipped it and went for co instead! wednesdays are so much more fun without the teacher around to scold us.

there's the catwalk training thing tomorrow in the music room. oh gosh! natasha can't make it for the competiton!!! i'm so sad! oh wells. mrs jonoh has to find a replacement. my bag is so heavy tomorrow! and plus the heels?! my god.

i'm so tired. i'll go and plop myself onto my comfortable and soft bed.... hahaha. goodnight world!

oh, wait, look! it's delia's and kevin's birthdays!

happy birthday delia and kevin!!!

i feel so ; 12:01 PM

Sunday, September 18, 2005

i'm stoned.

yesterday was such an exhausting day! went to school at 7.30am. then we went to the bukit timah nature walk. it was non-stop up, down, up, down. climb up one [LONG] flight of stairs, walk a bit, and in front of you is another flight of steps to go down. climb a hill, then it's steps going down again. damn them. lol. oh and the monkeys were so cute!

reached home at one. had my lunch and did my tuition homework. tuition was at four! i napped while she marked my work. hahaha. got home and got ready for family dinner. ate loads of food. was so bloated. came home at 11pm. slept at 12.

woke up at 11am today! finally a day when i can really rest and sleep in.

oh! friday was pretty fun. lantern festival celebration. watched the singing competition. joycelyn, melise, keith and fabienne sang! i wonder who will win. then after that, it was pretty boring. haha. but daiyu, joel, aldrich, guowei and erm. bulu 2 hahaha came to take photos with us!! haha. then we went to simpang and they had supper. chermain, angeline, minqi and alot others were there too. walked back to school but the was closing. all of them were so funny! lol. then after that, they went home and hsinrui and i waited for her parents to pick her up from the park.

i'm gonna be alone at home tonight. everyone is out, including my maid. gosh.

i feel so ; 5:08 PM

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

hsinrui and i are selected for the perth trip!!! :D
just hope the dates don't crash with the fashion show thingy. hmm.
oh and alyssa, you better go! hehe. or else we'd be soo bored!!

i missed out one subject from yesterday's post.

home economics - 43/50

i feel so ; 4:32 PM

Monday, September 12, 2005

i got back many papers today.

science - 30.5/50
history - 9/15
chinese - 51/85
maths - 14/40

fuck maths. i made so many careless mistakes and there were many questions that i actually know but forgot at that point of time!!
grrr. hate it when it's like this. but whatever. hmm. at least the others are okay.

i'm beginning to enjoy eisley's songs.
very cranberries like. nice.

relient k is nice too. yay. ahhaa

i feel so ; 8:40 PM

Sunday, September 11, 2005

yesterday was totally fun! got together with azerinna and nooraini!! :D

reached the pit late, again. heh. took millions of photos. okay, i'm exaggerating. but still we took loads of photos. had lots of fun. played with the sand and water.had rock throwing competitions. like those where you have to throw the rock and make it bounce across the water. yeah, all three of us didnt know how to do that. haha!
had badminton, which, i sucked at. haha. ate lots of food. sat down and enjoyed the chilly night breeze while we talked loads of nonsense and everything under the sky. her dad gave us riddles which like, super tricky and difficult instead of telling us ghost stories. lol. nooraini's dad picked her up at 9.30. oh man. i ate some more. im such a greedy bitch! haha.. went home at twelve.

her family is just so different and cute!! they are funny and so together and close and they go wild, make jokes and have fun with each other. so different from my family.

i got lots of mosquito bites. damn those things.

so right now, i'm sending 110 photos to azerinna of yesterday's. hahaha. finally done!

fjdoi!! haha.
oops. sorry, inside joke. hahaha.

i feel so ; 2:32 PM

Saturday, September 10, 2005

the quaint hall.
natasha, joycelyn and melise!
natasha and joycelyn!
huifang and me.

lol. there ya go, melise! (:

i feel so ; 1:36 AM

according to my brother,
i'm an emoticon stealing whore.

hahahaha. i guess it's true. (:

i feel so ; 12:14 AM

Friday, September 09, 2005

okay, where do i start.

had co at 1pm. instructor didn't come!! whee! we slacked like never before! barely touching our cello. we played, or rather, i played my cello for only about fifteen minutes? lol. but after that we had he zhou. played lots of old songs. i sucked. hahahaha. have to go freshen up my memory. heh.

then after that, we [ huifang, vivienne, claire and i ] went to tampines to have dinner at kfc. yum. headed to century square after that. there was this ladies' night thingy going on and a hell lot of guys were stuck outside.
some pissed, some confused and some frustrated. hahahaha. i pity them.
anyways, saw flying dutchman and glenn ong as the MCs. first time seeing them in person. forever hearing them on radio. funny dudes hahaha. nothing much was going on, so we crossed over to tampines mall. vivienne wanted to find a pencil case. bought sweets and walked back to century square. dang it! we missed like three quarters of the male pole dancing item!!! lol! damndamn. ahhahaha! saw lots of hotties. hahaha! huifang and i were like ogling at them! there was this guy getting body painted and just standing there in his underwear letting people take pictures of him and stuff, like omg. the next poledancing item was at 9.45. there's even a competition for us to choose the best dancer, like god damn. haha. but we had to go home already.. oh well. haha.

okay. so, i didn't know changing friendster photos could gain you so much attention.

yayness! tomorrow is best friends' reunion! :D
azerinna's family's bbq and her mum invited us to go! how nice! haha. hope i can stay till late. hees.

sleepy chernshin! remember to tag my board! :D

i feel so ; 10:31 PM

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

today is what you can call one of those perfect days. seriously, it is nice. hahaha. let me list out the reasons why.

1. had lots of fun today at the environmental fashion show [sounds dumb i know hahahaha] modelling choreography. we were wild! poor emma was sick. hope she's feeling better now!

2. went out with huifang and caught up with all our latest happenings. we talked non-stop! haha! we plan to go tanning one day.

3. i bought lots of stuff recently. like what i really wanted. well, most of them are.

4. talked to AZERINNA! YAY.

5. got lots of testimonials. hee.

6. had pizza hut for dinner. yums.

7. nothing on tomorrow. at least not in the morning. hooray! sleeping in time.

8. my birthday is approaching. *hinthintnudgenudge* haha. nah just kidding. :D

9. nothing. i just like this number. HAHA I AM GETTING SO FREAKING LAME SOMEONE PLEEASE STOP ME.

yeah. so overall, it was a perfect day. (:

i feel so ; 8:42 PM

Monday, September 05, 2005

i'm using my brother's acer laptop. i cannot type properly. help me.

anyways, CAN SOMEBODY GET ME THOSE GODDAMN VOLCOM JEANS?!?! i desperately need them!!! omg. please please... LOL.

okay, i have one thing to say.
i've never seen new orleans, or rather, america, in such a terrible state. let's pray for everyone's safety. hope that they will bounce back soon.

went to make my atm card today!!! yay. lol. liek, finally. (:
grrrrr. my brother is such an arse!!!

i met up with my mum at ngee ann city. bought HEELS!! two pairs to be exact! :D they are sooo prettaye!! one is round-toed, the other one is sharp-toed. nine west and kenneth cole respectively. hees. gonna wear them everywhere i go. whees. bought two skinny polos from giordano!! pink and white. their most recent plastic bag is so freaking cute. walt disney characters!!! cute!

i have to go to borders!! i wanna buy bitchy books! gossip girl and book three of the clique series. lol.
call me mad. maybe i really am! :D hahaha.


i feel so ; 9:56 PM

Sunday, September 04, 2005


i feel so ; 11:58 PM

Saturday, September 03, 2005

i am exhausted. finally a free day tomorrow!

friday was my literature and home economics tests. got back my english paper.. 27/40. i had one careless mistake!!! didn't read the bloody question properly. argh. and thank god i passed my science!! by like, four marks?

met hsinrui and vivian at 5. i was late as usual. hees. headed to orchard. walked around far east. there's absolutely nothing there nowadays! got bored. took neoprints. then we crossed over to pacific plaza. THERE WAS THIS INCREDIBLY HOT SALESPERSON IN RIPCURL OMFG I NEED TO SEE HIM AGAIN CALL ME A SLUT BUT WHATEVER HE IS JUST SOOO HOT!!! anyways. bought one top from volcom and one from roxy.

we went back to my house and had macdonald's for dinner. it was about 9plus. after that, we met daiyu and joel and went to the park. it was rainy. so the benches were wet and stuff. eugh how yucky. anyways. they sent us home and i realised i left my keys on the damn sit-up bench. so three of us walked back again!! hahaha. went up to my freezing room and talked. then we met kenneth and siwei at the park outside my house. they were freaking quiet and there was some crazed guy sitting on top of the platform of the playground trying to sleep. we were making quite alot of noise and he started smoking. haha. i guess we kinda pissed him off? heh. they left shortly after and we were back in my freezing room. sat there stoning with nothing much to do. lol. talked lots of nonsense. then i decided to pack my clothes at 2 am.

GOSH. i couldn't fit into three quarters of my jeans/pants/skirts. oh my, i am FAT AS FUCK. damn. gonna give them all away or give them to my mom for her auction site on yahoo or something. while the tops are mostly not my style anymore. haha. yeah, i'm like this. i buy one top, it's nice for the first few times then after a while, it just turns me off. oh well, slap me. yeah, i just cut my wardrobe into a quarter. lol. i was packing halfway when both of them fell asleep on me, those...... hahahar.. i finally finished packing at 4 am. then i went to sleep.

it was fucking cold when i woke up. cold. cold. that's the reason why the three of us woke up. at 7. lol. then we sorted out the clothes and had hotcakes for breakfast!!! yums. like, i love hotcakes. haha. hsinrui left at ten because she had to meet dina and some others before the band barbeque. so vivian and i sat in my room, listening to the radio and messaging people. heh. we decided to go to citylink mall to check out the new surf shop only for girls! but before that, we went to pasir ris to make another ez-link card. we were stuck in WHITE SANDS FOR TWO FUCKING HOURS OMG YOU CANNOT EVER BELIEVE HOW BORING THAT PLACE CAN BE.
after that torturous wait, i got my card again as good as new for the price of twenty dollars. dammit la. plus the top-up, losing my card is equivalent to losing thirty bucks! headed to citylink.

surfer girl is heaven to me. god, i didn't know where to start!! bags? clothes? wallets? shoes? blablabla. i managed to get what i wanted!! a sling bag, handbag, wallet and slippers! but the things i bought were all roxy, i don't know why but it's strange considering all the other brands there.
i so want that paul frank watch! 130 bucks! and the roxy skirt for 90 bucks! and those bikinis and the ripcurl boardshorts! omg.
saw shamyn, zakiah, ros and fatin! oh! and my brother's girlfriend! she didn't recognise me though. lol. went home after that. was so tired that i kept dozing off on the bus. lol.

i'm bored.

monday - tuition at 9am
tuesday - free
wednesday - meeting with mrs jonoh and the girls
thursday - nothing
friday - maybe [ and most likely (grr.) ] co practice
saturday - azerinna's family bbq [ best friends reunion!!! :D ]
sunday - one day before school starts again :/

i feel so ; 9:15 PM

Thursday, September 01, 2005

i lost my frigging wallet yesterday. THANK GOD i cleared my neos and other stuff few weeks back. i still lost my pierre cardin wallet, seven bucks, my ez-link, and my damn esprit card!!! grrrrr.

turns out i didn't go back to griffiths. we went to tampines mall to have lunch and to buy shijie's present. i spent most of my money here. then we took a bus to hsinrui's house, we rushed off the bus [left $1 plus in my ez-link] and stupid me left my wallet on the seat and i realised only when the bus left. fuck it.

so i guess.. i can get a new wallet?!?!?!?! yay? hahaahha.

erm. happy teacher's day?

i feel so ; 5:49 PM

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